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MY01 Self Training
Written by Sara Kassab
Updated over 2 months ago

Please note that the MY01 device should be used exclusively within healthcare facilities by medical professionals who have completed the appropriate training. Completion of the steps outlined in this page constitutes sufficient training.

New users of the MY01 Continuous Compartmental Pressure Monitor and MY01 Mobile Application are expected to complete the following essential training steps prior to use, to ensure a seamless experience:

Step 1:

Watch the MY01 Instructional Video to understand the requirements for safe and effective use of the MY01 Continuous Compartmental Pressure Monitor.

Step 2:
Read and understand the MY01 User Manual, with a particular focus on warnings that pertain to the safe use of the device.

​Step 3:

Read and understand the MY01 Mobile Application User Manual, again paying close attention to safety guidelines for app usage. Additionally, the MY01 App and Device Instruction video can serve as a guide on how to navigate the application.

Step 4:

Contact MY01 at or +1 (855) 799-6901 if there are any questions or concerns regarding the use of MY01 products. The MY01 team can additionally provide in person and/or virtual training if requested by the site.

Your organization is responsible for ensuring that, as a healthcare professional, you are trained before using the device and are responsible for maintaining usage records.

Your safety and the safety of your patients are our utmost priority. The self-training package is designed to provide you with comprehensive knowledge on how to use our innovative technology effectively while ensuring the highest standards of safety.

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